Our Story

How it all started...

 The building was built between April and December of 1922.  The cornerstone of Community Hall (present sanctuary) was laid December 3, 1922, and then the building dedicated June 17, 1923.  Rev. Gross Alexander, serving minister, officiated.
The newly completed Community Home provided a neighborhood hub for worship, religious education, and social activity.  A myriad of rooms stood ready for club meetings, banquets, assemblies, office work, education, and, yes, basketball games.  

Expanding the vision...

Renovation work began after a successful campaign to raise funds, and designs were finalized. 1942 is the actual year the renovation began.  Windows, altar, and furniture as memorials achieved much of the added symbolism.
1943—smack in the middle of America’s years in World War II. However engaged the world was in this conflict, BHME Church strove to expand and nurture. The renovated sanctuary served as a focal point, but it was time to establish a lasting impression in the
neighborhood as well as the city.  
Eleven stained glass windows were approved and ordered in November 1944. By March 1945 the four largest were completed and installed for Easter service that year. The window of St. John—easternmost on the north wall—was dedicated to the men and women who served in US Armed Forces or American Red Cross.
A new pipe organ was purchased and installed the next year.

Where we are headed...

Belmont Heights UMC is of, for, and with our community; a beacon of Light, a source of Love and connection for ALL.  We strive, through Love, to transform lives. Through Love and care for all, we will use our many resources - spiritual, human, physical and financial - to establish God’s kingdom on earth.
We desire to fill our spaces with community-based activities - the premise this church was built on, which was community! A place where ALL are welcome!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am